FC Students

Grade 6 - 12

What To Expect
What To Expect

FC Students Youth Group (Middle School & High School) meets most weeks throughout the year to engage with amazing leaders and friends; play energetic games and activities; eat yummy food; and have an opportunity to explore new things about God, themselves and the world.

Check out our CURRENT CALENDAR or additional meeting dates for FC Youth Events.



We’d love to connect with you!

Contact with our FAMILY LIFE TEAM

  • Steve Cullum, Youth Pastor
  • Stacie Francis, Family Life Ministry Assistant


To Receive Text Messages: Text student or parent to 720.594.4510

Phone: 303.776.8771
Email: students@fclc.org

Check out the 2024 Summer Calendar Here!

Contact Us
We'd love to hear from you! Contact us below and our team will be in touch with you!
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