FC Kids

FC Kids Services


5:30 PM


10:00 AM

baby at church

Services for early childhood

Babies to 2 year olds meet in the nursery on Saturdays at 5:30pm and Sundays at 10:00am. The nursery is open as a family room during the 8:30am service.

Children who are 3 to 5 years old meet in the Pre-K Room on Sundays at 10:00am. Please refer to the video at the bottom of this page to see where you can take your child.

Kids this age will experience lots of love and play in a safe environment. We explore Bible stories through a variety of engaging media and make our weekly lessons more memorable with fun hands-on activities.

child at church

Services for K-5th Grade

There’s so much to experience with kids this age. They are so eager to learn. We strive to uncover Biblical truths in the most energetic way possible. Our monthly themes keep kids engaged while focusing on good character traits, team building, and friendships – learning ways to carry a real relationship with Jesus into the world around us.

These kids currently meet at 10am on Sundays in the FC Youth Room.

kids playing at church event


wHEN: JUNE 9-13 (9 AM - 4 PM)

WHERE: Faith Community


Early-Bird Registration is already open! Register before February 28th to get a great discount:


Join the crew (ages 13-17 years) and be a Camp Assistant!

HOST HOMES NEEDED for Eagle Lake Camp Counselors (June 8-14). Be a host home for 3-4+ college-aged camp staff!

Contact Kaye Mason for more information: (720) 314-5307

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Stay Connected!

See Updates on our Kids Facebook Page


Faith Community is investing in the next generation.

Nearly $500,000 has been pledged by FC members to construct this new and exciting space for our kids. We hope they will find a warm winding path of adventure that encourages people both young and old to rediscover wonder. 

Wonder Outpost Anticipated Opening: Summer 2025


Family Life Pastor Kaye Mason and Youth Pastor Steve Cullum show you where you can take your kid(s) throughout the church for some fun and to grow in their Faith.