25% First Fruits giving
25% of offerings given to faith community lutheran church’s general fund is donated back into our local community or sent out nationally and internationally; all meeting critical needs and spreading the gospel.
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For over ten years, the FC Outreach Team has facilitated the distribution of grants totaling over $1.1 million to non-profit organizations that spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and/or give help to those in need. In 2024, over $200,000 was distributed locally and $115,000 was used to fund grants and missionary support.
As the cost of living rose and housing costs climbed, the number of Emergency Assistance Requests was overwhelming. Faith Community answered the call for help, supporting over 100 families, allowing them to stay in their homes and keep their lights on.
First Fruit dollars also supported 17 local and global organizations aiding at-risk local populations, providing statewide prison support, supporting and training pastors across the nations, and extending global assistance to Christians facing perilous situations.
Additionally, Faith Community provided support for 9 missionary families dedicated to working in foreign countries: meeting critical needs and spreading the gospel to those who may not otherwise hear of the love of Christ. Collectively, these efforts span across 12 different countries worldwide.
The Outreach Team remains steadfast in its commitment to diligently, respectfully, and conscientiously manage the First Fruits funds that are so generously provided by members of Faith Community. Fulfilling our core mission, encapsulated in Matthew 28 and Matthew 25:35-36, we actively advance the church’s mission of disciple-making and assisting those in need.
If you have a passion for outreach, join us at one of our meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of every month or contact Konni Keuter or Lucas Kinser.
2024 First Fruit Grant Recipients:
Awakening Lives to World Missions
Boulder Voices
Crossroads School, Inc.
Firm Foundations
Front Range Church Planting Network
Habitat for Humanity of the St. Vrain Valley
Harmony Life International
Life Choices Pregnancy Center
Longmont Meals on Wheels, Inc.
Lumen Fidei, Inc.
Preparing for Amazement Ministries
Recovery Café Longmont
Shekinah Ministries
St. Vrain Valley Young Life
Veterans Community Project
Youth Pastor Network
Zimbabwe Mission Partnership
In addition to assisting families who struggled to pay rent and utilities, First Fruits dollars were used locally to:
Provide early Christian education scholarships to Faith Community families.
Build up our sister-church, Vida-Abundante, as they gained their own church home.
Finance the Longmont Police Emergency and Trauma gift card program.
Bolster programs such as the Christmas Festival, Sock Hop, online streaming of church services, FC Kids Summer Camp and Youth Missionary Trips.
Fund the FC Women’s Retreat and the Annual Veterans Luncheon.
Support our national Lutheran congregation through donations to LCMC and NALC.
MORE Local Engagements
FC collects food for the food pantry at the OUR Center. Since 2009, they’ve distributed 7,005,171 pounds of food to those in need and Faith Community has had the privilege of being a part of that mission.
You are welcome to join in on the fun with the quilters. The only questions are: Can you use scissors? Can you tie a knot? Can you use straight pins? Can you match fabrics together? Can you bring and use a sewing machine?
Then please join this Outreach Ministry for one of their quarterly 3-day quilting periods as they whip up some amazing and cozy quilts. The finished quilts (often, almost 50 are made in the three days) are prayed over by the Quilting Ladies before they are taken to and distributed by Lutheran World Relief, located in Denver, OR donated locally. Donations are welcome.
If you have an emergency assistance request, please fill out the form below.
This assistance is for rent or utilities. Payments will be made directly to the landlord or utility company.